Saturday, October 5, 2013

Yaesu FT-270R Submersible 5 Watt Amateur Radio 2 Meter VHF Transceiver

Yaesu Rocks
This is my first Amateur band radio, as I have been studying for my Technician License. I love it! If I was a little smarter I bet I would really enjoy it.
Questionable Performance
I like the unit but the jury is still out on its performance. I am usually on the side during local net operations. The HT seems to
drop some incoming transmissions. I am not sure if it is my operating technique or the unit. I am still working on it. I am very close to the Repeater so it is not distance.
Como la mayoría de los equipos Yaesu, el ha erario comprado es muy versátil, económico y practico. Hay que leer el manual para poder operarlo. Sin duda fue una muy buena compra.
Click to Editorial Reviews

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